Disclo Hire is the first specialized global accommodations product designed for jobseekers and talent acquisition leaders alike. Improve your interview process today by making it accessible and inclusive for everyone.
Recruiting teams lack the proper documentation, expertise, and technology to handle reasonable accommodation requests during the interview process. Talent acquisition teams want expert guidance and support while attracting and acquiring talent.
One easy plug-in solution for your ATS so every candidate can request an accommodation without friction during the interview process.
Get expert on-demand support and technology with robust self-guided documentation guiding you through every step of the accommodations journey.
Disclo Hire integrates with all ATS systems so you can plug into your recruiting tech stack effortlessly. From there, interviewees are sent an automated email with the option to request an interview accommodation.
If a candidate requests an accommodation, everything is tracked and managed in the Disclo Hire platform. Hiring managers can access requests all-in-one place.
Disclo’s built-in chat feature allows you to access a team of on-demand experts who are ready to answer any question. Never feel alone with any accommodation request or question with the support of Disclo in your hiring ecosystem.
With Disclo Hire, candidates can be pre-qualified for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), a federal tax credit available to employers who invest in American job seekers consistently facing barriers to employment.
Learn more by going to irs.gov.
Boost your brand perception and inclusion practices to support your overall diversity goals for your organization. By adding Disclo to your DEI toolkit, you'll create a more equitable hiring process for all candidates.
Our patented software is the only end-to-end solution that streamlines the accommodations process for companies of all sizes.
Book a demo and we'll show you how it works.